alarm-ringing ambulance angle2 archive arrow-down arrow-left arrow-right arrow-up at-sign baby baby2 bag binoculars book-open book2 bookmark2 bubble calendar-check calendar-empty camera2 cart chart-growth check chevron-down chevron-left chevron-right chevron-up circle-minus circle city clapboard-play clipboard-empty clipboard-text clock clock2 cloud-download cloud-windy cloud clubs cog cross crown cube youtube diamond4 diamonds drop-crossed drop2 earth ellipsis envelope-open envelope exclamation eye-dropper eye facebook file-empty fire flag2 flare foursquare gift glasses google graph hammer-wrench heart-pulse heart home instagram joystick lamp layers lifebuoy link linkedin list lock magic-wand map-marker map medal-empty menu microscope minus moon mustache-glasses paper-plane paperclip papers pen pencil pie-chart pinterest plus-circle plus power printer pushpin question rain reading receipt recycle reminder sad shield-check smartphone smile soccer spades speed-medium spotlights star-empty star-half star store sun-glasses sun tag telephone thumbs-down thumbs-up tree tumblr twitter tiktok wechat user users wheelchair write yelp youtube

Vision analysis:

  • Extensive history:
    • Questions regarding your current visual symptoms
    • Review of your eye and systemic health
    • Review of your family history
    • Discussion of your visual needs for work and play
    • Review of all your current medications
  • Detailed measurement of your prescription for glasses or contact lenses
  • Binocular vision testing
  • Glaucoma testing of your eye pressure and optic nerve assessment
  • Biomicroscopy evaluation of your external eye health and cataract status
  • Dry eye assessment
  • Visual field/peripheral vision testing
  • Retinal evaluation:
    • Diabetic and hypertensive retinopathy detection and monitoring
    • Macular degeneration evaluation
    • Plaqunenil Toxicity Monitoring


Health services: 

Dr. Navarro is licensed to treat and or manage eye diseases including:

  • Pink eye
  • Allergy care
  • Corneal ulcers
  • Foreign body removal
  • Dry eye syndrome
  • Iritis
  • Glaucoma
  • Macular Degeneration

Did you know than an eye that has 20/20 vision can still have an eye disease? Eye

diseases such as glaucoma, diabetic eye disease, retinal holes, rips or tears can be

found in a person with 20/20 vision, at any age?

Medical problems such as Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol, and

Auto Immune diseases can be found through a comprehensive eye exam even if

you have 20/20 vision, at any age.